#Be Sincere Guys!! An Intelligent Ugly Lady Or A Dull Slay Queen, Which Would You Pick?

Hi Guys,
Lets discuss concerning this topic at hand.
You have 2 Options and you have to choose one as your life partner.
First choice (Ugly but Intelligent Lady)
You have a brainy lady, butter face (Ugly this), who genuinely cares about you and loves you wholly.
She is not the best dressed, and not as exposed as you, yet she is a homely lady who has eyes for only you and guess what? She is very Intelligent even more than yourself.
Second Choice (A very Beautiful Chick 😍 Slay Queen but Dull)
She is hot in every manipulation, phase, and facet of the word.
She is very active on social media and everyone want her but she’s all yours and you step out in style with her because she’s so hot and sexy but her mumu no be here.
She is exposed but career wise she is not as smart as the brainy chick.
BE Sincere Guys – Which Would You Pick?
Tell us the reason behind your choice when dropping your comments.
Tell Us!
For Me (ADEYINKA) – I would pick the brainy chick because am handsome and trust me, No matter what, Who gonna have cute kids.
What about you?

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