Why Jose Mourinho Gave Nigerian Boy His UEFA Super Cup Medal

Manchester United Football Club coach, Jose Mourinho, has once again given off his medal to a fan following his failure to guide his team to victory against Real Madrid FC.

The Manchester United’s coach who in 2006 also gave away his medal to a fan following his Premier League win and repeated the same with the 2015 Community Shield medal has revealed the reason behind his action.

Recall that Jose Mourinho had collected his runner up medial and proceeded to give it out to a lucky Nigerian boy identified as Deji who was in the stands.

Speaking on his gesture in Macedonia after the match, the United’s coach revealed that the medal will mean more to the kid than him.

He further stated that medals ‘don’t mean much’ to him.

Mourinho said: “Look sometimes when I win I don’t keep the medals, so imagine when I lose.

“And for me the medal will go to some place in my house and for that kid it’s for sure something to keep and remember.

“It was a little kid in a Manchester United shirt, so I think for the kid it is something he will never forget and for me, I repeat when I win they don’t mean much, imagine when I lose.”


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