Dear Comrades,

It is with no news that our noble association is about to undergo a transition process, a process that will see us transit from a state of greatness to a state of higher-greatness. Oyo state unarguably has positioned herself to have the most peaceful, ideological and intellectual comrades. This we have proven and re-proven over and over again.

There is no doubt that our past leaders have set pace, they have broken records, and they have agitated, led and won student struggles. The greater joy is that as the young leaders of the new generation, we are in a better position to set even more.

Being part of several student movements, most importantly the current administration has exposed, groomed and prepared me with significant experiences necessary to administrate the affairs of our association to the next level.

Comrades, I have come to realize that, re-positioning our association for greater heights will require that we move from our subtle state of individualism to much better state of collectivism. In collectivism lies our strength, in individualism lies our woes.

It is high time we questioned the cold wars of our great leaders which developed the current cracks being penetrated by the oppressors.

It is high time we revitalized the chemistry between our different ideologies and embrace the ultimate ideology.

It is high time we understood that no matter the ideology we have based our actions and orientations, without the Supreme Ideology of Collectivism, our disunity will continue to make us less powerful.

Therefore it is in the utmost spirit of solidarity, that I humbly request you support me in the actualization of the COLLECTIVE AGENDA.

My definition of a collective agenda is simple; it is a strategic agenda for a mass-based association in which we can leverage the past and current efforts of our leaders to collectively champion our struggles but not without a united war-front.

 It is an agenda of the students by the students and for the students.

An agenda which is all encompassing

An agenda that does not discriminate.

An agenda devoid of violence but saturated with intellectualism.

An agenda that seeks first the welfare of student as the pinnacle priority.

An agenda that gives power to the students and their leaders.

An agenda that will improve on the current state of instilling sanity and prevent non-students from “COMING to RAID” our rights.

An agenda that seeks to empower our students, kick against victimizations, oppression and legitimately demand our rights.

 An agenda to humbly direct the affairs of this administration with a united set of executives and senators.

An agenda to sustain and project beyond the current achievements of our struggles.

An agenda that gives the utmost stake to you THE STUDENT!
Therefore, I humbly request you support the COLLECTIVE AGENDA!

Vote TESLIM MORONKOLA ABIOLA as the next Chairman, National Association of Nigerian Students Joint Campus Committee Oyo State.

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